

Middagpauze. Ik lees. Noteer. Drink (te veel) koffie. Kijk tussenin naar buiten. Volg dunne witte en grijze wolken die elkaar afwisselen. Deel een klein fragment uit een interview met Louise Nevelson (uit Interviews with American Artists van David Sylvester).

'I never think that I'm making art; that would offend my kind of thinking. You see, I'm not making art, and we've had different discussions with artists and they said, 'Why don't you use white here and red here and this and that?' And I always say, 'Well, I'm not making art.' Then you might return and say, 'Well,then, what are you doing?' and somewhere I can't quite answer it, but I hope that my work transcends making anything and I hope that there is a communication. It doesn't have to be sweet, it doesn't have to be not sweet, but it has to be valid.'

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